Language Reference » Dataset functions » setScatterSerie
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setScatterSerie - Create a scatter serie This function allows you to create a scatter serie using the 1st parameter as X coordinates and 2nd as Y ones. By default a scatter serie with an ID of 0 will be created, if you want to create another scatter serie, specify its unique ID with the ID parameter. Calling this function
setScatterSerie($SerieX,$SerieY,$ID=0) Where : SerieX is the name of the serie that will be used for X axis positions.
SerieY is the name of the serie that will be used for Y axis positions.
ID is an optional parameter to define the scatter serie unique ID. Sample script /* Create the pData object */ $MyData = new pData(); /* Create the two data series that will be used for the scatter coordinates */ $MyData->addPoints(array(1,2,3,4),"My Serie X"); $MyData->addPoints(array(4,3,2,1),"My Serie Y"); /* Associate the two series to create a scatter serie */ $MyData->setScatterSerie("My Serie X","My Serie Y"); This will create a scatter serie with the following points : (1,4), (2,3), (3,2), (4,1).
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