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Real world applications

We‘ll try to post here an overview of the applications build around the pChart library that are processing real world data.

If you‘ve made an application and want to be published here, just create a post on the forum!

GPU Subsystem monitoring

     Trinity is an x64 server used for bio-informatic analysis. All the tools installed on it are configured to use the nVidia GPU technologie to get astonishing speed results.

This web interface is monitoring both the physical CPUs and GPUs processors. Computing units memory and temperature figures are also gathered.

Data points are gathered from the shell commands nvidia-smi and mpstats. The values are stored in a flat MRTG-like database file with a rotation of 2 hours then charted on-demand with the pChart library. The gathering script is triggered from the crontab interface at regular interval.

pCache isn‘t used due to the system robustness.
Last updated on 12/26/2010 
by Jean-Damien 
Linked resources
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Community comments
Message from mice32alpha on 27/12/2010
Intreresting... It is statistics system for computer resources, but RRDTool is replaced by PHP+pChart ?
Message from Jean-Damien on 27/12/2010
Long time ago I‘ve made an SNMP poller that was doing the same than MRTG (automated data gathering, database storage & chart generation). This script is an alternative to MRTG, RRD, Cacti, .. It‘s a lightweight version of all those applications.
© Copyrights
Components used on this web site : Famfamfam icons has been made by Mark James, Rounded corners lite has been coded by Cameron Cooke and Tim Hutchison, SyntaxHighlighter has been written by Alex Gorbatchev. pChart and this web site have been created by Jean-Damien POGOLOTTI. This documentation contains 185 pages and 56 comments. 415 users have registered. This page has been rendered in 0,01 seconds. Wiki revision 1.37.