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getHash - Returns the hash of a pData object

This function allows you to calculate the (nearly) unique hash of a pData object. This hash can be used to match a picture with an unique ID in the cache database. Speaking with figures, you have only one chance on 2339099464253592691 tries to find two pData objects with the same ID, we can safely rely on it to identify different charts. Moreover, you can use the Marker parameter to specify which chart template you‘re using, so same data on different charts layout will get different IDs.

Calling this function

$Data is a pData object.
$Marker is an optional parameter allowing you to create different ID even if the pData objet is the same.

Sample script

This will display the unique ID of the given pData object.
 /* Include all the classes */ 

 /* Create your dataset object */ 
 $myData = new pData(); 
 /* Add data in your dataset */ 

 /* Create the cache object */
 $myCache = new pCache();

 /* Compute the hash linked to the chart data */
 echo $myCache->getHash($myData);
Last updated on 08/23/2010 
by Jean-Damien 
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